Cascaded Lookup

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Cascaded Lookup

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Crow Canyon’s Cascaded Lookup column for SharePoint can be configured for three main purposes:

1) Cascaded drop-down lists of as many levels as needed. The data can come from lists in the same Site or other Sites in the same Site Collection. This could be  linked lists such as Country/State/City, Category/Type/Issue, Account/Contact, etc. See Filtering using Cascaded Lookup.

2) Cross-site Lookup with filtering capabilities. This is an enhancement over the standard SharePoint Lookup column in that it can fetch data from across Sites (in the same Site Collection) as well as provide filtering on the data that is returned. See both Configuring Cascaded Lookup - Basic and Configuring Cascaded Lookup - Advanced.

3) Dynamic Templating/Default function. Based on what the user selects in the Cascaded Lookup drop-down list, the values of any number of other fields on the item can be set. See Templating using Cascaded Lookup.