Use in “column mappings” if variable value is an object that has different keys

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Use in “column mappings” if variable value is an object that has different keys

a.Syntax: VariableName##KeyName

b.Example 1: my variable name is varUsers and it has user value object then to read the user Id, use “varUsers##Id”

c.Example 2: my variable name is varUsers and it has user value object then to read the user email, use “varUsers##Email”

d.Example 3: my variable name is varUsers and it has lookup column value object then to read lookup value, use “varUsers##Value”

e.Example 4: my variable name is varUsers and it has the result of $xpath() function like “{id: 1, City: Hyd}”, then to read city value, use “varUsers##City”


Supported keys are same as the keys supported in $parsefieldvalue() function.